Ruger 9mm revolver single action
Ruger 9mm revolver single action

ruger 9mm revolver single action

Used Guns is truly an one-of-a-kind of shopping experience. This means their unique items are available beyond the four walls of their store. Merchants can offer you 100% of their inventory real-time 24/7. Transfer Bar Mechanism And Loading Gate Interlock. This model includes an extra 9mm Luger Cylinder. Best price, best delivery, and best communication is the heart of Bravo’s Platform. The mid-size steel frame and cylinder are scaled-down to the same size as the original 1955 Ruger Blackhawk, closely resembling the classic single-action revolvers of the late 1800s. Merchants are supported with the Bravo Systems Platform, which enables stores to sell you items with the highest level of customer service in mind. Feel confident that your purchase will meet, and in most cases, exceed your expectations. We’re proud that only 1.75% of the items shipped are ever returned. Single actions, double actions, Colt, Ruger, S&W, big Magnums, little snub noses. The Ruger New Model Blackhawk is the most advanced single-action revolver ever made. It goes without saying that RevolverGuys like revolvers and I like ‘em all. Used Guns Merchants get the highest marks in delivery success. Ruger Blackhawk Stainless Flattop Combo Revolver 5.5 6 RDS 357. Each item has been submitted to local and national law enforcement agencies so you can purchase items ethically and safely. In addition to the Ruger Blackhawk convertible, Ruger, S&W, Dan Wesson, and Taurus have all made 9mm DA revolvers at one point or another. 38 Special models and from 400-series stainless steel in the powerful. Monolithic frame is made from aerospace-grade, 7000-series aluminum in. Used Guns is like eBay and Amazon’s used good marketplaces but our items come directly from licensed merchants from all over the United States. The Ruger LCR is a lightweight, small-frame revolver with a uniquely smooth trigger and highly manageable recoil. Used Guns is home to the internet’s best prices and value, the opportunity to negotiate with merchants with “Make Offer”, and a 100% money-back guarantee on all items except for “as-is”.

Ruger 9mm revolver single action