For some of you, this will be easy! You love animals and know all about this stuff already, so have fun! There may be a lot of new words for some of you, but like I said, you’ll get used to them throughout the year. Animal classification is what we’ll be looking at first.You described a bird so that when you come across a new animal you can see if it fits the description. You’ve probably heard the word bird, right? Of course! Well, what makes a bird a bird? How would you describe a bird? They are the words that describe how animals are classified. You will learn them better as we go through the year. Don’t worry if you don’t learn them today.

Before we start learning about specific animals, I’m going to throw some words your way.Animals are amazing and they are all so unique because our God is amazing and creative! You’ll learn how they each have special strengths, defenses, and abilities. Zoology is part of biology, but there are SOOOO many animals that have so many neat things about them.Do you see the word ZOO in the title of this page? The suffix -OLOGY means “the study of.” What do you think “zoo” refers to? Animals, of course! So, zoology is the study of animals.Levels 1 – 4 print (be sure to print SINGLE-SIDED).Now’s the time to decide if you want to print out the worksheets you’ll be using in this course (now or as they come up in the course) or if you want to buy a workbook of all the printables.If you didn’t get here through My EP Assignments, I suggest you go there and create an account.Just stay focused on your lesson and then close that window and you should be right back here for the next lesson. DO NOT click on anything that takes you to a different website. DO NOT click on any advertisements or games. When you go to the different internet pages for your lessons, please DO NOT click on anything else on that page except what the directions tell you to. Many of your lessons below have an internet link for you to click on. Welcome to your first day of school! I wanted to give you one important reminder before you begin. Reading List: Levels 1-4 First Book of Bees (selections), Tibbets Levels 5-8 Handbook of Nature Study (selections), Comstock The Life of a Spider (selections), Fabre What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs, Ham Students will complete projects and lapbooks and will have many opportunities to present what they have learned before an audience. Special studies on endangered species, classification, mimicry and camouflage, as well as ecosystems and food webs, will be conducted. They will study animal habitats, behaviors, diets, and adaptations. Students will study the main branches of the animal kingdom including mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, insects, and fish, as well as others. Buy – print (be sure to print SINGLE-SIDED)īuy – print (be sure to print SINGLE-SIDED)Ĭourse Description: Students will study zoology through readings, videos, and a variety of online activities.