Imagine watching your pixelated crops develop as the sun sets over the horizon. The setting is highly realistic, with separate day and night effects.
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What’s the purpose of farming if you can’t appreciate the lovely sunsets and rolling hills, even if they’re pixelated? Giants Software has gone above and beyond with this one. Think of it as your farming bat cave sans the secret identity and vigilante justice. Want to water the crops? You’ve got a state-of-the-art irrigation system. Need to plow that field? There’s a tractor for that. It’s like having a Transformer for every job. Forget the rusty old machinery your grandpa used this is the 21st-century baby, and farming has gone high-tech. FARMERS NEED COOL GEARĪ farmer is only as good as his equipment, right? In this game, you’re practically farming Iron Man with your lineup of 80 vehicles and tools, ranging from trucks to tractors. So, unlike your last relationship, you can always restart if you forget to feed the cows. In other words, it’s not just about tending to crops you’re running a full-blown animal sanctuary.

Each has unique needs and benefits, from producing milk to shearing wool. You have three types of livestock to choose from: cows, sheep, and pigs. Here, we’ve got 1.48 hectares of pasture just aching for some animal action. What’s a farm without animals? A tranquil place, that’s what. Move over, crops it’s time to talk livestock. It’s like “FarmVille,” but with more sweat and fewer annoying Facebook invites. You need to water, fertilize, and harvest each crop at just the right moment. If you’ve ever wondered what it’d be like to babysit a cornfield, this game is your chance. Oh no, each crop has its own peculiar harvest time. This isn’t just aimlessly throwing seeds onto the ground and praying for the best. You could practically grow a small forest, but instead, you’ll focus on six types of crops. LET THE DIGITAL CROPS FLOURISHĪ whopping 7.52 hectares of land are available, eagerly awaiting cultivation. All this, wrapped in an immersive 3D environment, makes this the go-to game for anyone wanting casual entertainment with an agricultural twist. And, if that’s not enough, you can also choose from an arsenal of 80 modern vehicles to help you tend to six different types of crops and manage three distinct breeds of livestock. Populated with a 2km x 2km map featuring 7.52 hectares of fertile soil begging for crops and a cozy 1.48 hectares for pasture, this game does a bang-up job of simulating the ins and outs of farming. “Farming Simulator 18” for the 3DS, crafted by the wizards at Giants Software, isn’t just a game it’s a lifelike odyssey into the rustic charms of agriculture.